Size of 5G base station antenna

News 4750

With the development of 5G technology, the size of 5G base station antenna has also changed, and its size parameters have also changed. This paper will introduce the size parameters of 5G base station antennas, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

5g antenna

Dimension parameters of 5G base station antenna

The size parameters of the 5G base station antenna mainly include length, width, height and weight. Among them, the length is generally between 1.5 meters and 2.5 meters, the width is generally between 0.5 meters and 1.5 meters, the height is generally between 2.5 meters and 3.5 meters, and the weight is generally between 50 kilograms and 100 kilograms.

Size advantages of 5G base station antenna

The size advantages of the 5G base station antenna are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

-First of all, the size of the 5G base station antenna is small, which can be more easily installed on the building without affecting the appearance of the building or the structure of the building.

-Secondly, the size of the 5G base station antenna is small, which can be more easily installed on the vehicle, without affecting the appearance of the vehicle or the performance of the vehicle.

-The size of the 5G base station antenna is small, and it can be installed indoors more easily without affecting the indoor space and decoration.

Size defects of 5G base station antenna

The size defects of the 5G base station antenna are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

-First, the size of the 5G base station antenna is small, which may affect the coverage of the signal, thus affecting the network connectivity.

-Secondly, the smaller size of the 5G base station antenna may affect the transmission distance of the signal, thus affecting the transmission speed of the network.

-The smaller size of the 5G base station antenna may affect the signal transmission efficiency, thus affecting the data transmission volume of the network.

Size selection of 5G base station antenna

When selecting the size of the 5G base station antenna, the above advantages and disadvantages should be comprehensively considered according to the actual situation, so as to select the appropriate size.

First of all, choose the appropriate size according to the different installation environment. For example, if you want to install it on a building, you should choose a smaller size to avoid affecting the appearance of the building; If it is to be installed on the vehicle, the smaller size shall be selected to avoid affecting the appearance of the vehicle; If you want to install it indoors, you should choose a smaller size to avoid affecting the indoor space.

Secondly, the appropriate size should be selected according to the different signal coverage. For example, if you want to cover a large range, you should select a larger size to improve the coverage of the signal; If you want to cover a small range, you should select a smaller size to reduce the coverage of the signal.

The appropriate size shall be selected according to the different signal transmission distance. For example, if you want to transmit a long distance, you should select a larger size to improve the transmission distance of the signal; If you want to transmit a short distance, you should select a smaller size to reduce the transmission distance of the signal.


The size parameters of the 5G base station antenna mainly include length, width, height and weight. Their advantages are mainly reflected in the convenience of installation, not affecting the appearance and space, while their disadvantages are mainly reflected in the aspects that may affect the coverage, transmission distance and transmission efficiency of the signal. Therefore, when selecting the size of the 5G base station antenna, the above advantages and disadvantages should be comprehensively considered according to the actual situation in order to select the appropriate size.